Papaver somniferum -album-

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Latin name: Papaver somniferum var. Album
Also know as: 
opium poppy

This is the variety Album of the Papaver somniferum which is an albino variety and has white seeds and will produce white flowers. This variety is overall still the same as the regular opium poppy plant.

Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy, is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are derived. The Latin botanical name means the “sleep-bringing poppy”, referring to the alkaloids in this plant with sedative properties.

Papaver somniferum is very easy to grow from seed. They are known for self-sowing and you may find them popping up all over in your garden. They are not invasive and the seedlings are easy to pull out if they land in unwanted areas of your garden.

Once you start a garden of these beauties you may never have to buy poppy seed again.

(0.460 Gram is approximately 1000 seeds)

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