White Strains

New Arrivals

Customer Feedback

  • Mitragyna-speciosa-Red-ThaiRed Thai

    Totally awesome. Relaxation, but not disconnection.


  • Mitragyna speciosa Maeng Da - GreenMaeng Da – Green

    Mein absoluter Favorit. Gute Euphorie u. Energie. Macht einfach happy in einem guten Setting. Habe jetzt 500g nach gekauft ;)


  • mimosa-hostilis-root-barkMimosa hostilis -Jurema-

    Super produit, prix imbattable, reçu en 4 jours, parfait !! Merci Gaiana, I love you !


  • Nicotiana-rustica-Mapacho-RopeNicotiana rustica -Mapacho Rope-

    the mapacho arrived yesterday, very happy. I ordered two more rolls of mapacho today.


  • mimosa-hostilis-root-barkMimosa hostilis -Jurema-

    Yeah thanks man gaiana customer service is second to none been dealing with you guys for few years now pet…


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