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Customer Feedback

  • Mitragyna speciosa KratomKratom 1kg Pack order just arrived. I just wanted to thank you for the great service, very reasonable price compared to other…


  • mimosa-hostilis-root-barkMimosa hostilis -Jurema-

    These guys get 10 out of 10 in my opinion. This was my third order and shipping is fast to…


  • Salvia divinorum -Extract-Salvia divinorum -Extract-

    Everything went very very quick and nice customer service. The 5x Extrakt is a little weak I would recommend the…


  • Mitragyna speciosa Borneo Green VeinBorneo Green Vein

    my favorite kratom! nice mellow high


  • Mitragyna-speciosa-Red-ThaiRed Thai

    The best Kratom I've ever had. Really strong.


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