Rosin resin – Colophony Gum

 1,65 10,33

  • Excellent quality
  • Large Chunks
  • Pure Rosin Resin
  • Steam Distilled Pine Resin
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SKU: N/A Category:



Latin name: Unknown (various Pine species)
Also know as:  Rosin Gum, Colophony, Colophonium, Collophony, Greek pitch, E915, Balsamharz

Origin: India

Rosin resin – Colophony Gum

Rosin, also known as colophony or Greek pitch (Latin: pix graeca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pine trees and other plants, mostly conifers, primarily through heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. Used widely in various industries and arts, rosin appears as a semi-transparent, brittle substance that ranges in color from yellow to black and melts at stove-top temperatures. Rosin consists mainly of resin acids, especially abietic acid,[1] and is soluble in alcohol, ether, benzene and chloroform.

In addition to industrial applications such in as varnishes, adhesives, and sealing wax, it is crucial for musicians who play bowed string instruments to enhance bow grip, and it provides grip in various sports and activities. Rosin also serves as an ingredient in medicinal and pharmaceutical formulations and can cause contact dermatitis or occupational asthma in sensitive individuals. It is an FDA approved food additive.

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    mucho macho

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