Erythrina mulungu -Coral Tree-

(2 customer reviews)

 10,00 80,00

  • Straight from the Source
  • Sustainable harvest
  • Untreated
  • Botanically accurate
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Latin name: Erythrina mulungu
Also know as: Erythrina verna, Corallodendron mulungu, Mulungu, corticeira, murungu, muchocho, murungo, totocero, flor-de-coral, mulungu-coral, Coral Tree

Origin: Brazil
Batch-NR: JN-2602T

Notice: (Novel Food) Raw plant material not a food in the EU

Fine shredded tree bark of the Coral Tree, Erythrina mulungu. Erythrina mulungu is part of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, and there are many scientific studies that document its properties. These studies include the following applications, as an analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, hypnotic, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, expectorant and resolvent.

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Weight N/A

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Erythrina mulungu -Coral Tree-

  1. Bas (verified owner)

    A great natural relaxant! better than any over the counter pharmaceuticals. Not a controlled substance, legal, so very good.

  2. Milo (verified owner)

    Wow, wonderful product!
    If you want to try something new and special, try this!

    Thank you, Gaiana guys!

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