Harpagophytum procumbens -Devils claw-

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Latin name: Harpagophytum procumbens
Also know as: grapple plant, wood spider and Devils claw

Origin: Namibia
Supplier-ID: AG-50494X

The ethnobotanical use of devil’s claw originated in southern Africa. Devils claw is one of the floral emblems of Botswana where it is thought to be useful in treating a variety of pain conditions.

Harpagophytum Procumbens (commonly called Devil’s Claw) is a tuber vegetable that is used for combatting lower back pain as well as arthritis (both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis). It appears to have efficacy at this, and may take a few months to reach maximal efficacy (so it would be unlikely something like Aspirin, which acts fairly fast).

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