Leonurus cardiaca -Motherwort-

 2,75 22,94

  • Botanically accurate
  • Harvest from Farms
  • Organic cultivation
  • Without pesticides
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Latin name: Leonurus cardiaca
Also know as: Motherwort, throw-wort, lion’s ear, and lion’s tail.

Origin: Poland
Supplier-ID: AG-41319U

Motherwort has a long history of use as an herb in traditional medicine in Central Europe, Asia, and North America. Like many other plants, it has been used for a variety of ills. Midwives used it for a variety of purposes, including uterine tonic and prevention of uterine infection in women, hence the name Motherwort.

It was historically used in China to prevent pregnancy and to regulate menstruation. Motherwort has also been used to ease stomach gas and cramping, menopausal problems, and insomnia.

According to Tierra, the traditional Chinese medicine energy and flavors are bitter, spicy, and slightly cold, and the systems affected are the pericardium and liver. The fresh or dried leaves, which are called yìmǔcǎo (益母草), are used and the recommended dosage is the standard infusion of one ounce herb to one pint boiling water, 2–6 ml (0.068–0.203 US fl oz) of 1 in 5 tincture or 2–4 ml (0.068–0.135 US fl oz) of 1:1 fluid extract, either in 25% ethanol, three times daily. Yìmǔcǎo is believed to enter the bladder, heart, and liver meridians.

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    Lovely fresh citrus pine aroma, both the wood and the resin are lovely.


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    got my delivery in 3 days, very good company, will order again and will spread the word! keep up the…

    Georgica Cosmin

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