Red Abalone Shell -L-

 3,72 14,05

  • Ideal for smudging
  • Sustainable harvest
  • 14-15cm, Large
  • Australian
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Red Abalone Shell -L-

Abalone shells are known for the beauty of their mother-of-pearl shine. These special shells have multiple meanings and are traditionally known for the use in “smudging”. Smudging is a ritual of burning incense such as White Sage, Palo Santo or Resins. In addition, the shell is a symbol for the element of water, making the smudging ritual complete according to the old traditions.

Benefits of a Abalone Shell for smudging

These Red Abalone shells are 14-15 cm in size and are suitable for burn incense cones, Palo Santo, White Sage or other herbs/resins. The Abalone shells are fireproof and large enough to hold a burning bundle of White Sage. However it is recommended to add a layer of sand on the bottom of the shell. This sand protects the Abalone shell from intense heat and prevent cracking or breaking. The small and natural holes in the Abalone shell provide an excellent air supply for the burning incense.

Abalone Smudge shells

Using a Abalone Shell in smudging rituals

The Abalone shell can be used in different rituals, or you can create your own ritual. And because of the beautiful mother-of-pearl sheen, the Abalone shell is always nice to put down somewhere for decoration, like on an altar.

The Abalone shell symbolizes the element of water in ancient smudging rituals. As a smudging ritual is done with the four elements. Whereas  the herbs/incense stood for the element earth, the burning for fire, the shell for water and the smoke for the element of air.

So if you want to perform a traditional ancient smudging ritual for cleansing, then the Abalone shell makes your ritual complete.

About our Red Abalone Shell -L-

Please note that the dark (black) spots in the Abalone shells are, of course, occur in the sea and give the Abalone shells a robust character. Also the size and shapes of the shells can vary by nature.

The abalone shell comes from a sea snail with the name abalone or “sea ear” as the shell resembles the shape of an ear. These shells are collected sustainable on an Abalone farm where these snails are cultivated. As these abalones are widely considered to be a desirable food, and are consumed raw or cooked by a variety of cultures.

Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 350 g

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