Green Malay
€ 14,46 – € 330,58
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Latin name: Mitragyna speciosa
Also know as: Kratom, ketum
Origin:Â Malaysia
Supplier-ID: KTB-1410X
Mitragyna speciosa – Green Malay
All the way from Malaysia comes this potent green vein kratom, a strain we proudly add to our kratom selection.
Notice: (Novel In Food) Raw plant material, not a food in the EU!
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Reviews (29)
29 reviews for Green Malay
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Jon –
The best allrounder energising and euphoric strain- highly recommended!
Clément (verified owner) –
I’ve ordered this strain more than 10 times now and I have never been disappointed. Gaiana makes an absolutely fantastic work (with kratom and other products too) !
Miska (verified owner) –
Excellent strain. I have tried a lot of different strains of kratom and this is the best for my need. I use this for chronic pain for my back. I am able to work hard physical labor with this. Also now that I have been diagnosed with ADHD I realize that this strain has helped me with the symptoms of that also. I have always been very happy with Gaiana’s service and will be using their services in the future. 11/10 for everything
Patrick (verified owner) –
Super fast handling and delivery. For me, 3g are quite enough for a strong but pleasant high. Very sedating, not so euphoric high. I can highly recommend it.
Tom –
Thank you for your always good quality at a good price! You are the best!
mucho macho –
Very nice kratom. Happy to see that gaiana has the best kratom again.
The batch 1103S was great the potency was 8/10 and the taste was good. Very long lasting effects as always with the green malay. Quite energizing at low dose and very relax at high dose. that’s why i like teh Green malay. Thanks guys
alessio (verified owner) –
Very nice. This was my first time trying kratom so I can’t really give a good comparison, but for me the effects are very noticeable. The taste isn’t as bad if mixed with some warm water, it’s like drinking a very bitter green tea. I’ll be ordering again soon
arthurito –
new green malay batch RZ-0103S of january is great.
the taste is nice 9/10.
and the potency is real, nice energizing and quite potent 9/10. i like this one.
thanks gaiana.
Haferplätzchen (verified owner) –
Donnerstags bestellt, Freitags überwiesen, Montags mit DPD versendet und Dienstags schon eingetroffen.
Letzten Monat hatte ich 500g Maeng Da Grün und das war höchstens befriedigend.
Von dem hier habe ich dementsprechend jetzt genauso dosiert…3 gehäufte Teelöffel auf eine Tasse + einen
halben Teelöffel Vitamin C Pulver.
Und es ist der Wahnsinn!!!!
Knapp 3 Stunden später kann ich mich jetzt endlich wieder bewegen und meine Pupillen sind wirklich Stecknadelköpfe. Als hätte ich 20 oder 30 mg Oxycodon
intus. Ohne Toleranz. Und auch sonst fühlt sich das von der Wirkung fast genauso an wie die heftigeren Opioide.
Also diesmal bin ich echt absolut begeistert und werde definitiv wieder bestellen UND beim nächsten mal wesentlich geringer dosieren. :-)
Gaiana ist einfach super!!!!!
Und Green Malay ist wirklich der absolute Hammer.
Was kleinere Dosen machen kann ich noch nicht sagen, aber dass das mega potent ist, ist auf jeden Fall schon mal klar. Also wer sich nicht sicher ist ob der Kram sein Geld wert ist….BatchNr1023R ist mega gut.
Außerdem wurde das trotz der Menge auch nicht pampig oder matschig im Wasser und blieb schön flüssig zum trinken. Ich bin Kratommäßig zwar jetzt noch nicht so erfahren, aber die anderen die ich bisher hatte, wurden ab einer gewissen Menge immer zu einem matschigen Brei. Das hier halt nicht.
Wirklich-Einfach super!!!!!!
Bislang meine Lieblingssorte.
Thomas (verified owner) –
Somehow the bag of Green Malay is always the first one that’s empty… And it’s not because of Gaiana puts less in that one ;). Great all round strain!
Hugues –
Batch rz-2018r
La meilleure souche que j’ai essayé à ce jour.
Très doux ,énergie de paix.
Je le trouve parfaitement équilibré , offre un vrai sentiment d’énergie positive.
Gaiana est le meilleur rapport qualité prix , même si vous trouvez mieux ailleurs, vous paierez beaucoup plus cher pour pas grand chose de plus , car c’est déjà ce qui se fait de mieux cette souche à toutes les qualités que l’on attend d’un bon Kratom.
112€ le kilog frais de port compris je ne peux que vous remercier ,le service de livraison est très rapide ,comptez entre 3 et 4 jours pour la France.
ancien toxicomane je n’ai jamais vraiment retrouvé goût à la vie cette plante m’aide à surmonter la dépression qui paralyse ma vie depuis plus de 10 ans.
Si utilisée avec beaucoup de modération cette plante est une véritable bénédiction, ceci n’est pas une drogue faites en bon usage sinon vous passerez complètement à côté de ses bienfaits.
Le Kratom sans modération perd tout son intéret et devient très rapidement désagréable .
mike (verified owner) –
very good taste but no so potent as previous batches. still very nice daily strain with a bit more sedating effects than previous batch
Thomas –
To me, the new batch of Green Malay (HE-104R) is great. Gives me a positive, productive mindset. it has the amazing ‘subtile’ effect I really appreciate, it’s on the background, but it makes everything you do much more enjoyable.
Dach (verified owner) –
Hey Guys, just wanted to share my review with you. I love kratom and consume it on a daily basis, so my review might not apply for new users.
Batch: RZ-8118
Strength: high
Euphoria: 3/10 (very unusal for Malay)
Sedating: 8/10 (nodding very possible)
Activating: 5/10 (not giving me the kick I expect)
I love green strains because of their strong activating and energizing effects. With this Malay, i only get those effects if i lowdose it. With higher doses, I start to nodd. The reason why I keep using this Kratom is that it gives you a nice warm buzz in the morning. You get no hangover.
3/5 coz it’s ok and you can’t go wrong with it. But i hope to get stuff that better fits my needs.
I ONLY order at Gaiana, because you guys are the best vendors. Great prices, great quality, great service, great delivery speed. Much love!
Oskar (verified owner) –
Some of the most potent kratom I’ve ever had!
This one is great for getting stuff done. The taste isn’t too bad.
The most recent batch hasn’t been as good as the previous ones.. but acceptable.
Teva (verified owner) –
great strain, very euphoric the first hour then nice mood the rest of the time, last 6-7hrs for 3.5g
Lucas –
Best strain i’ve tried. Sedating, 3grams is perfect for a bad day.
Thomas –
To me atm it is very strong but there is no character. A bit like ‘drinking spiritus’… I prefer strains less strong with a more distinguished or subtile effect.
Sinan –
Strongest Kratom i’ve ever seen.
Lucien (verified owner) –
I´m so suprised about the Quality.. it´s really amazing. I love it. :)
Frederik –
euphoric and energizing at the same time.
elipzer –
Produces a good amount of euphoria (#RZ-7105).In my opinion the effects are comparable to a green borneo strain. Gaiana’s shipping went very fast, even before delivery target!
mike (verified owner) –
after trying other europian vendors i can say that this is the best. really quality powder. green malay rocks. used it for suboxone withdrawals and it has been great
Valentin –
The new batch (RZ-7105) is very good. I can highly recommend it.
Potent, long lasting, euphoric, activating and also relaxing. Everything you would expect from a green strain.
Thank you Gaiana
hongokentesh (verified owner) –
Really nice Batch (RZ7156)
Potency 7/10
Euphoria 7/10
Activating 8/10
Sedating 8/10
William (verified owner) –
Green Malay is my favorite strain so far. This batch was great. Nice mood lift and relaxing. Great for gaming! 5/5.
I’m 100% satiesfied with Gaiana as a whole. Fast on answering questions on Customer Service, professional and kind. Fast shipping after receiving Bank payment. Package was very discreet, didn’t mention country on package which was a HUGE plus for me, because my country usually intercepts any packages from NL. Fast delivery. High quality product. Couldn’t be more happy about the service! Please keep this up and you have yourselves a lifelong customer. Cheers!
joshua.schueppen –
The current potency of this strain/batch I would rate 8/10. It is a very good balanced strain. It is euphoric, but also sedating. I can recommend this strain/batch.
Philip (verified owner) –
Great strain, great shop! I have been ordering regularly for some time now and have never been disappointed. Bless Gaiana, and the guy who mentioned it to me!
Criss (verified owner) –
Absolutely fantastic alround strain. Small amounts are energetic and larger ones are sedating. Nice euphoria as well. I´m pretty sure this strain is sold as “super thai” oder “thai green” at other shops. It has a yellowish color and a nice unique taste. Not bitter at all. As your attorney I suggest you to buy kratom only at where you get good quality at reasonable prices.