Cinchona officinalis -Quinine Bark-

 15,60 91,74

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  • Organic Certified
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Latin name: Cinchona officinalis
Also know as: Quinine Bark, Red Cinchona, Cinchona Bark, Jesuit’s Bark, Loxa Bark, Countess Bark, Peruvian Bark, Quina Roja, Cascarilla.

Origin: Peru
Supplier-ID: AM-4618U

Cinchona officinalis – Quinine Bark

Cinchona officinalis is a shrub or tree with rugose bark and branchlets covered in minute hairs. Stipules lanceolate or oblong, acute or obtuse, glabrous. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic or ovate, usually about 10 centimetres (3.9 in). long and 3.5–4 centimetres (1.4–1.6 in). wide; acute, acuminate, or obtuse tip; base rounded to attenuate; coriaceous, glabrous above and often lustrous; glabrous beneath or puberulent or short-pilose, especially on the veins. Inflorescences in terminal panicles, many-flowered; hypanthium with short coarse hairs; reddish calyx, glabrous or nearly so, with triangular lobes; pink or red corolla, sericeous, the lobes ovate, acute, the corolla tube being about 1 cm. long. Fruit and oblong capsule, 1.5–2 cm. long, almost glabrous.

About Cinchona officinalis – Quinine Bark

Cinchona officinalis is a medicinal plant, one of several Cinchona species used for the production of quinine, which is an anti-fever agent. It is especially useful in the prevention and treatment of malaria. Other alkaloids that are extracted from this tree include cinchonine, cinchonidine and quinidine.

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  • Mitragyna-speciosa-Red-ThaiRed Thai

    the red thai batch RP-0103S that just show up in january is good. the taste is ok , 8/10. and…


  • Maeng Da – White

    the best strain for productivity in my opinion


  • mimosa-hostilis-root-barkMimosa hostilis -Jurema-

    The top of the top,on new form (fine shredded),potent root bark(my last session today is just unbelieveble/amazing/wtf!!!no word for explain...…


  • Commiphora myrrha -Myrrh-Commiphora myrrha -Myrrh-

    Not the best one to burn, peculiar smell, but still good quality, thanks !


  • mimosa-hostilis-root-barkMimosa hostilis -Jurema-

    Thanks for the fast shipping and present!I I will soon order more.. :D


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