
New Arrivals

Customer Feedback

  • Borneo White VeinBorneo White Vein

    Nice Focus and one 7g portion is enough to stay the day!


  • Mitragyna-speciosa-Red-ThaiRed Thai

    hey guys, ive received my order, thank you so much! the red thai in my opinion is the best, i…


  • Borneo White VeinBorneo White Vein

    Super Kratom! Starkes Anfluten, sehr viel Euphorie. Aktivierend, aber trotzdem ausgewogen und gut zum Chillen geeignet. Danke, Gaiana!


  • Psychotria viridis -Chacruna-Psychotria viridis -Chacruna-

    Arrived fast, can recommend this company.


  • Nymphaea-caerulea-Blue-Lotus-WholeNymphaea caerulea -Blue Lotus-

    You get 10x the amount for not even twice the price as other place lol . Shit smells good and…


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